Washington Post -"A Model for E.U."
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Nora Boustany
A Model for E.U.
Some European countries want to take a leaf from America's book. Speaking from personal experience in Greece and the United States, Greek legislator Eleftheria Bernidaki-Aldous said during a visit to Washington that American law on the treatment od the disabled should be a model for legislation in the European Union and Greece.
She praised the regulations introduced under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which outlaw discrimination and offer opportunities in the public and private sectors for the personal and professional advancement of people with disabilities.
Bernidaki-Aldous, who was elected to Parliament last March, was in town last week to give two lectures. Last Tuesday she spoke at American University's Washington College of Law on "Attitudes Toward the Handicapped from Ancient Greece to Modern USA: Problems and Solutions".
Visually impaired since the age of 3 as a result of an accident, Bernidaki-Aldous holds a doctorate in classics from Johns Hopkins University and has taught in colleges in the United States and Greece. Last Thursday she addressed an audience at the American Hellenic Institute with a talk entitled "Exchange of Values and Ideas between Greece and the United states".